Thursday, May 03, 2007

Wari the french fencer!

Yep, I met someone that is pretty cool. I have been seeing a guy that I am quite found of! He treats me well and is quite interesting. He is from Southern France. He moved to Greenville about 10 years ago. He is quite the fencer (yes, he plays with swords) and makes me smile! This weekend I am going with him to TN to watch him compete in the SE Qualifier for is a picture of us at the wedding.


Laura said...

How did you meet this exotic man - he is really handsome - classic looking. The kind of man that will still be good looking when he is 65.

Matt&Liv said...

Wow jackie, you look hot in this picture. I love that dress! If we were like the same size, I could totally borrow it. :)

Chad and Allison Nicholson said...

whoa Jackie...on top of you looking totally look totally happy too! YES!

Jackie said...

Oh, thanks guys! You all are too sweet! I fell like a million zillion bucks!

Brooke said...

Go Wari! Go Wari! Go! Go! Go! (In the tune of C+C Music Factory)