Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Soda loves cold weather

We had a great trip up to the land of Lincoln. As soon as we arrived in B-N (Bloomington-Normal) we all went for a walk in the park. That would be 3 dogs and 5 people. After the most delicious Thanksgiving feast, we took another walk in 18 degree weather. Soda loved it, me not so much.
Friday we had dinner with my parents. It was nice to see them. Saturday was a day of eating and relaxing. There was a nap and awesome Arabic food. I learned that zackie (not sure of the spelling) means tastes good.
Soda was happy at the Taha household. She managed to get a lot of table scraps and lots of loving.
It is a good thing the trip went well...Mostly because we will be doing it all over again in a month...Merry Christmas!


Matt&Liv said...

yes Jackie...I love these pics of soda and all her adventures. so I guess you were a hit with yezin's family.

Laura said...

JACKIE!!!! YES - I am so glad I can keep track of your wheelings and dealings this way - it actually just really makes me happy to be able to see your face - it has been so long - feels like forever. Soda has turned into a beautiful dog - so thick and plush - it makes me want to sink my fingers into her fur and luxuriate. It also makes me miss Mory. Sniff. I don't like to think about that whole situation. Next time you are in IL, drive up north a couple more hours to sunny gorgeous and always warm Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Laura said...

Hey Jackson - I need some new posts - and also, are you going to Illinois for Christmas - we will be in Mexico visiting the 'rents, but perhaps our paths may cross? We are getting back on the 1st.

Jackie said...

I was listening to "The Samples" the other day and thought of you. I miss you!!!

Brooke said...

I agree with Laura...I need some new posts, even if it's just a pic of you and cookie monster in the closet, you should do it. I MISS YOU!!!!